The Tree of Life: Why is the coconut tree referred to as the Tree of Life?

The Tree of Life

Coconut trees are more than just a tropical symbol. Every portion of the coconut palm is used in some capacity, leaving little to no room for waste. It is no surprise that it is called “the tree of life”. Here’s how the coconut tree proved to be a valuable and sustainable resource with a variety of advantages and uses:

Coconut water from the Tree of Life

The Tree of Life: Coconut water

Tender coconut water is a great way to rehydrate and refresh because it contains nutrients and electrolytes. It keeps you healthy and helps you get over a bad hangover because it has antioxidants. Regularly drinking coconut water is good for your health, from controlling your blood sugar to lowering your blood pressure.

Coconut meat from the Tree of Life

Coconut meat from the Tree of Life

Coconut meat is an excellent energy source that stops hunger and helps digestion because it has fat and fiber. Most of its insoluble fiber makes you feel full and keeps you from overeating. So it makes sense that coconut meat helps people lose weight.

Coconut nectar from the Tree of Life

Coconut nectar from the Tree of Life

Coconut nectar is a great sugar replacement because it is naturally sweet and healthy. Not only is the nectar syrup delightful, but it is also full of minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. To eat healthier or fight diabetes, you should switch from sugar to coconut nectar.

Coconut husk and shell from the Tree of Life

Coconut husk and shell from the Tree of Life

These are healthy foods, but coconut fruit can use the coconut’s husk and shell for things other than food. Coir is a natural fiber that comes from the outer husk of a coconut. It makes strong rugs, doormats, sacks, and ropes. On the other hand, the shell is used to produce activated charcoal. It is also used to produce briquettes, compressed blocks of coal dust used as fuel.

Sustainable Coconut Farming:

the tree of life

We now know that every part of the coconut has a use, which makes it completely eco-friendly. But the same sense of sustainability has to be kept in mind when farming. At Copra Coconuts, we help smallholder farmers and put quality over quantity as our top priority. Our farmers know how to take care of organic farms and keep them as natural as possible because they have the knowledge and skills to do so. Each product shows how much we care about you, our farmers, and the environment.